Sunday, September 11, 2011

Comment on SHUYING'S blog

YIPEEEEEEEEEE. Coincidentally the blogs im commenting on are done by the people two register numbers before me(:
Shu Ying (10)
Your blog is very organised very good! One day, one assessment and then the results very neat very good! 8D The way you note down the food you eat is also very comprehensive, followed by the components for each meal.

It's good that you stated the reasons for your diet and noted what had caused that day's meal to be unhealthy. You had also put in the general overview of your meal that day, which makes it clearer whether you had healthy food that day or not(: And the post on healthy diet pyramid vs. Atkin's diet also emphasizes the results of the tool you used, like the health diet pyramid.

It is also good that you dont eat so late like i do!><

However, i feel that your blog can still be comprehensive and in depth. For example, you should have stated more components of the food you have eaten. Like for satay chicken, you can state how much protein, carbohydrates etc. the food contains, so that your results can be more accurate and reliable!

Overall, your blog is very good and interesting! I enjoy looking at your diets heheh very wide variety too!

Comment on DESIREE'S blog!

Desiree (27)
YOUR BLOG IS VERY PRETTYYY!!!! Other than the skin, it makes use of many comprehensive tools and you explain the implications of the results very well. For example, you went into every component of the food intake assessment and commented on whether you should cut down or increase the intake, and the reasons why too. You also explained the implications on what would happen if you continued with this diet. You also made use of one tool for the implications of the results of another tool. It is good that you stated how to alter your fat, calcium intake etc.

Although it is not stated in the PT requirement, but having your modified one-dish meal apply to your current diet may be better! For example you could say maybe adding some green leafy vegetables to your diet to increase the calcium intake, since you were lacking on it! That would be much more interesting!

Comments on ENGYIN'S blog!

Eng Yin! (11)
I enjoy reading your blog it is very comprehensive and uses quite a large variety of tools! Your blog also states the components of foods like dietry fibre, fats etc. so people reading your blog would be better able to understand the implications of the results of the different tools you had on your blog. Haha the food you eat also has a wide variety! I also liked the way you reflected on the different components of your foods and whether you should increase/decrease the intake of those components. It is also good that you inserted a health pyramid and did a breakdown on the types of food you had eaten on every individual day.

I think you should include some suggestions on what food will be able to give you those components in the food that you are lacking like fats etc. You should also maybe give some suggestions on how to decrease your salt intake, by stating what food contributed to the high salt intake and how you should cut down. Maybe you should also state the individual components of the food you ate.(:

Your blog is good overall it has a very clear, nice layout!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reflections on my diet!

Conclusion: I think I have been snacking and eating too much fried/ fatty food>< NOT a healthy diet

I have to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet and restrict my snacking to only twice a week!
The amount of saturated fat i take in daily is also scrary! sometimes amounting to as much as above 40g per day and this has dire consequences on my future health if i continue eating this way! Saturated fat is hard to get rid off and accumulates very easily. I have to cut down on fried food, meat items, tidbits etc. and exercise consistently. Maybe i should increase my exercising to 2 times a week to burn off the fats i accumulated over the week, since i eat alot of fried things!

Build a Healthy Food FoundationI'm glad i have found out how much junk food and unnutritious food i have been eating through the use of all the hpb nutritional tools. I have to increase my vitamin well as cut down on fried food ive been eating tidbits/fried food everyday! The food i eat also contains high cholesteral and this cannot continue><

Overall, based on the healthy food pyramid on the right, i think the order of the amount of food in each category i have eaten from the most to the least is the starch layer, followed by the diary products and meat layer, than the vegetable layer, than the oil and fried food layer which is larger than what it is mean to be. That means i have to eat more veggies and eat less meat! Fried food has also gotta be greatly reduced. I can also afford to eat less cabohydrates, as they are the ones that make a person gain quite a lot of weight.

I think my suggested one-dish meal is healthy because it increases my dietry fibre intake (vegetables and fruits) that im greatly lacking off. It also reduces the oily food and meat products that i have been consuming too much of. I also suggested healthy methods to make the food tastier, yet increasing the nutritional value of the foods at the same time. It contains much much less fat than the meal i had previously eaten.

Overall, there were some tools lacking like the food intake assessment which i deem actually quite important, but i couldn't access that tool because the internet had some my conclusion is more or less based on the energy and nutrition tool as well as the portion sizing tool. I also calculated the minimum amount of energy i should have per day.

Modifying a dish!

I would like to modify the lunch i had on 19/8.

I had eaten rice with curry sauce topped up with a deep fried Malay chicken.

I think if the curry sauce is not added on the rice the meal would have been less fattening, since curry contains alot of coconut milk that contributes to the high fat content of this meal. If i really need some gravy on my rice, i could put some gravy maybe from some vegetable dish. The meal would also have been healtheir if some vegetable was added to the meal, like some fried long beans with carrot would be nice. The oil content of frying this vegetable is definitely much less than that found in curry gravy. tAnother type of vegetable, maybe brinjal would also be nice to add to the taste of the meal, yet adding to the nutritional value of the food. The vegetables should also not be cooked with too much oyster sauce or msg so that not too much salt will be added into the food, ruining the nutritional value. These vegetables will still taste as nice the way they are, and may even be tastier than adding curry gravy over the rice! This also increases the dietry fibre content of the meal yummmmm(:

Long beans                                                                                   Brinjal

Another alternative to deep fried Malaychicken will be grilled chicken. It is definitely much healthier than friend chicken because fried chicken uses a lot of oil to cook whereas grilled chicken is grilled in an oven and not fried or soaked in any oil at all, hence there is less trans fat and is definitely healthier. The taste of chicken will still be there, and whats more the chicken can be marinated with teriyaki sauce or plum sauce and the taste of grilled chicken may be even nicer and richer than that of a fried chicken! It is also definitely more juicy than the fried chicken because the juice of the chicken meat is retained when it is not fried.

For a desert, a fruit like apples will be nice to top the meal off and help in digestion of the heavy meal. After the rich tastes of the different types of food, something crunchy, juicy and sweet will be nice to finish up the meal. This also further adds to the nutritional value of the meal. The apples should be sliced and fresh.

I would really like to try this meal creating it makes my mouth water 8D

Energy and Nutrition Tool 20/8

Replaced cranberry bread with foccacia bread
Replaced white rice with rice with egg+spring onion, stir-fried, that will perhaps will have a little more energy in it

1.Bread, foccacia
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Bread, W/ sprinkled herb on top
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:53 g
2.Lor mee
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Yellow noodles with beansprouts, egg and pork in thick dark gravy
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:540 g
3.Butterfly fritter
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Sweet dough made of flour and self-raising flour, sprinkled with sesame seeds on top, deep-fried
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:75 g
4.Pig's trotter, in vinegar
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Pig's trotter, W/ black vinegar, brown sugar, ginger+sesame oil, BRS
Edible Portion:95%
Per Serving:1305.77 g
5.Rice with egg+spring onion, stir-fried
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Rice, W/ egg, spring onion+ginger, SF
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:242.57 g

The analysis (per serving) follows:
Energy (kcal)
Protein (g)
Total fat (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Dietary fibre (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Starch (g)
Sugar (g)
Monounsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Vitamin A (mcg)
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Water (g)
Trans fatty acids (g)
Bread, foccaciaLor meeButterfly fritterPig's trotter, in vinegarRice with egg+spring onion, stir-fried
163 383 273 1,325 417 
6 15 5 67 12 
4 11 11 59 15 
0.6 4.9 6.2 15.9 4.3 
1.4 6.5 1.4 9.1 0.8 
26 55 37 132 58 
0 140 0 250 114 
340 2,538 104 1,308 1,169 
24.6 N.A 27.7 22.1 58.1 
1 N.A 10 110 0 
2.9 3.8 3.5 28.8 5.7 
0.5 2.2 1.3 11.5 4.4 
34 81 25 768 46 
0.81 3.24 0.90 5.70 0.90 
3 0 0 0 105 
0.1 N.A 0.0 0.5 0.1 
0.0 N.A 0.1 0.5 0.2 
0 N.A 0 6 0 
14 454 18 954 141 
N.A N.A 0.05 N.A N.A 
Seems like the pig trotter is contributing to 1325kcal of the total energy intake! Thats really close to my minimum  energy intake per day, and that means that pig trotter's are really unhealthy><

Total energy intake: 2561kcal
Not as bad as first day, but still can be healthier... the main contributing factor to the high energy intake are the pig trotters, that also contains high amounts of fat (59g).Seems like pig trotters are really unhealthy!><

Energy and Nutrition Tool 19/8

Im changing cranberry bread to foccacia bread.
Nasi padang with nasi goreng.

1.Bread, foccacia
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Bread, W/ sprinkled herb on top
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:53 g
Alternate Name:Nil
Description:Small pieces of chicken coated with batter and fried to golden brown
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:20 g
3.Chicken, stewed, Nonya style
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:Chicken pongteh
Description:Chicken with potato wedges and red onions, stewed, nonya style
Edible Portion:60%
Per Serving:125.79 g
4.Nasi goreng, Malay style
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:Malay fried rice
Description:Cooked rice with eggs, mixed vegetables and tomato sauce, stir-fried, Malay style
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:377 g
Alternate Name:Nil
Description:Fried chicken
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:316 g
6.Curry, chicken with potato, skin removed
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Edible Portion:83%
Per Serving:220 g
7.Beehoon, vegetarian, fried
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Thin rice noodles fried with green onion and beansprouts, served with vegetarian meat
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:362 g

The analysis (per serving) follows:
Energy (kcal)
Protein (g)
Total fat (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Dietary fibre (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Starch (g)
Sugar (g)
Monounsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Vitamin A (mcg)
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Water (g)
Trans fatty acids (g)
Bread, foccaciaCHICKEN NUGGET, DEEP FRIEDChicken, stewed, Nonya styleNasi goreng, Malay styleCHICKEN, FRIEDCurry, chicken with potato, skin removedBeehoon, vegetarian, fried
163 58 132 742 531 252 549 
6 3 9 21 84 18 16 
4 3 9 27 22 15 17 
0.6 1.1 2.4 11.3 3.3 5.7 8.0 
1.4 0.1 0.8 4.1 0.0 3.6 8.3 
26 4 3 103 0 10 83 
0 5 6 200 155 97 0 
340 130 188 1,467 1,153 509 1,539 
24.6 2.6 2.2 102.9 0.0 8.5 N.A 
1 1 1 0 0 2 N.A 
2.9 1.4 3.9 11.7 6.4 6.6 4.7 
0.5 0.6 2.4 3.0 11.2 2.1 2.9 
34 6 33 75 16 58 51 
0.81 0.12 1.26 4.90 2.21 2.47 2.90 
3 4 23 60 25 87 11 
0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 N.A 
0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.3 0.2 N.A 
0 0 1 0 0 2 N.A 
14 9 52 222 206 131 239 
N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 
Total energy intake for this day (for main meals): 2427kcal
Still better than yesterday but still quite bad! overshot by about 800kcal.... GOTTA CUT DOWNNN ON FOOD INTAKEEEE><

Friday, September 9, 2011

Energy and nutritional tool 18/8

I will only document my main food intakes which are during breakfast, recess, lunch and dinner. Plain rice is replaced with rice kheer cos i cant seem to find plain rice on the list...

1.Pancake, red bean, Japanese style
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:72.2 g
2.Macaroni, fried, Malay
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Macaroni, FR, W/ mutton, prawn, chicken, tomato, onion, cabbage+chye sim in black sauce
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:295 g
3.Potato, with spiced batter, deep fried (Indian)
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:Bhaji W/ potato, potato bhaji
Description:Bengali gram flour, battered, W/ chilli+spice, potato ring, DF
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:67.41 g
4.Egg fuyong
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Eggs, peas, carrots, and prawns, fried
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:256 g
5.Ham chi peng, plain
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Flour, battered, W/ salt, spice+cinnamon, DF
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:60 g
6.Bread, white
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Bread made with white wheat flour and baked
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:336 g
7.Rice kheer
Alternate Name:N/A
Description:Indian snack made with rice and fresh milk, sugar added
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:218 g
8.french beans, with onion+dried prawn, stir-fried
(Click on food name to view picture)
Alternate Name:Kui-tau char chang, hei bee har mei chau sei -twai-tau si ji dou chau
Edible Portion:100%
Per Serving:287 g

The analysis (per serving) follows:
Energy (kcal)
Protein (g)
Total fat (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Dietary fibre (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Starch (g)
Sugar (g)
Monounsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Vitamin A (mcg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Water (g)
Trans fatty acids (g)
Pancake, red bean, Japanese styleMacaroni, fried, MalayPotato, with spiced batter, deep fried (Indian)Egg fuyongHam chi peng, plainBread, whiteRice kheerfrench beans, with onion+dried prawn, stir-fried
194 426 165 660 203 937 353 282 
4 19 4 30 3 29 14 8 
5 18 11 58 8 16 14 23 
2.0 7.2 3.9 28.2 5.8 7.9 6.6 10.9 
0.3 5.3 2.2 1.5 0.9 8.1 3.1 8.6 
33 48 13 6 28 168 43 10 
8 126 0 847 1 0 26 204 
202 1,116 201 947 244 1,364 137 1,550 
N.A 39.8 12.6 N.A 20.3 152.2 25.3 N.A 
N.A 8 1 N.A 8 10 15 N.A 
1.5 7.5 4.5 21.2 1.8 16.8 0.0 8.6 
1.2 2.1 1.8 5.6 0.5 2.7 1.1 2.9 
14 81 18 123 8 181 438 221 
0.58 3.16 0.64 4.86 0.31 2.35 0.65 2.58 
0 384 5 246 0 50 164 0 
N.A 0.2 0.0 N.A 0.0 0.1 0.6 N.A 
N.A 3 5 N.A 0 0 0 N.A 
29 201 35 159 16 118 144 238 
N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 
Total energy intake: 3220kcal?!

That is way too much way too much man...GOTTA START DIETING AND CUTTING DOWN on my food intake its getting too highhhhhh!!!!!!