Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reflections on my diet!

Conclusion: I think I have been snacking and eating too much fried/ fatty food>< NOT a healthy diet

I have to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet and restrict my snacking to only twice a week!
The amount of saturated fat i take in daily is also scrary! sometimes amounting to as much as above 40g per day and this has dire consequences on my future health if i continue eating this way! Saturated fat is hard to get rid off and accumulates very easily. I have to cut down on fried food, meat items, tidbits etc. and exercise consistently. Maybe i should increase my exercising to 2 times a week to burn off the fats i accumulated over the week, since i eat alot of fried things!

Build a Healthy Food FoundationI'm glad i have found out how much junk food and unnutritious food i have been eating through the use of all the hpb nutritional tools. I have to increase my vitamin well as cut down on fried food ive been eating tidbits/fried food everyday! The food i eat also contains high cholesteral and this cannot continue><

Overall, based on the healthy food pyramid on the right, i think the order of the amount of food in each category i have eaten from the most to the least is the starch layer, followed by the diary products and meat layer, than the vegetable layer, than the oil and fried food layer which is larger than what it is mean to be. That means i have to eat more veggies and eat less meat! Fried food has also gotta be greatly reduced. I can also afford to eat less cabohydrates, as they are the ones that make a person gain quite a lot of weight.

I think my suggested one-dish meal is healthy because it increases my dietry fibre intake (vegetables and fruits) that im greatly lacking off. It also reduces the oily food and meat products that i have been consuming too much of. I also suggested healthy methods to make the food tastier, yet increasing the nutritional value of the foods at the same time. It contains much much less fat than the meal i had previously eaten.

Overall, there were some tools lacking like the food intake assessment which i deem actually quite important, but i couldn't access that tool because the internet had some my conclusion is more or less based on the energy and nutrition tool as well as the portion sizing tool. I also calculated the minimum amount of energy i should have per day.

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