Friday, September 9, 2011

19/8 food suggestions

cranberry bread to raisin bread
chicken stew to fried rice?
they dont allow me to put more than 2 food items so i guess i cant put in the biscuit sticks><
rice (with curry) + fried chicken = nasi padang +chicken wings
cupcake to banana cake?
beehoon closest i can get is fish slice beehoon soup><
i cant put in  a supper>< which was pear

Breakfast at 6:30 AM
2 slices raisin bread ½ mug milk
Go for low-fat or skimmed milk and dairy products. They provide similar amounts of protein and calcium as full cream versions but are lower in calories and fat.
Snack at 11:00 AM
3 chicken nuggets½ plate fried rice 
Deep-fried foods such as chicken nuggets are usually high in fat. Limit your intake of these items.Have this food less often as it is high in fat.
Lunch at 1:30 PM
½ plate nasi padang1 chicken wing(s) 
To make this dish healthier, avoid choosing deep-fried items and limit the gravy added.Deep-fried foods such as fried chicken wings are usually high in fat. Limit your intake of these items
Snack at 5:00 PM
½ slice banana cake  
Have this food less often as it is high in fat and sugar.
Dinner at 8:00 PM

I think my diet this day has been rather fattening>< alot of fried things. Maybe because it was the once in a week fried food day but even so i think i'll have to limit my intake on deep-fried food as they can be very fattening. I have been constantly putting gravy on all my rice dishes so i think i should cut down on the gravy i put over my rice. I also have to avoid too much snacking and just eat the right amount of food for me.

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