Sunday, September 11, 2011

Comment on SHUYING'S blog

YIPEEEEEEEEEE. Coincidentally the blogs im commenting on are done by the people two register numbers before me(:
Shu Ying (10)
Your blog is very organised very good! One day, one assessment and then the results very neat very good! 8D The way you note down the food you eat is also very comprehensive, followed by the components for each meal.

It's good that you stated the reasons for your diet and noted what had caused that day's meal to be unhealthy. You had also put in the general overview of your meal that day, which makes it clearer whether you had healthy food that day or not(: And the post on healthy diet pyramid vs. Atkin's diet also emphasizes the results of the tool you used, like the health diet pyramid.

It is also good that you dont eat so late like i do!><

However, i feel that your blog can still be comprehensive and in depth. For example, you should have stated more components of the food you have eaten. Like for satay chicken, you can state how much protein, carbohydrates etc. the food contains, so that your results can be more accurate and reliable!

Overall, your blog is very good and interesting! I enjoy looking at your diets heheh very wide variety too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angeline,

    Thanks for the consructive comments! :D
    Actually, my register number is 9 X)

    Thanks again :)

    Shu Ying
