Sunday, September 11, 2011

Comments on ENGYIN'S blog!

Eng Yin! (11)
I enjoy reading your blog it is very comprehensive and uses quite a large variety of tools! Your blog also states the components of foods like dietry fibre, fats etc. so people reading your blog would be better able to understand the implications of the results of the different tools you had on your blog. Haha the food you eat also has a wide variety! I also liked the way you reflected on the different components of your foods and whether you should increase/decrease the intake of those components. It is also good that you inserted a health pyramid and did a breakdown on the types of food you had eaten on every individual day.

I think you should include some suggestions on what food will be able to give you those components in the food that you are lacking like fats etc. You should also maybe give some suggestions on how to decrease your salt intake, by stating what food contributed to the high salt intake and how you should cut down. Maybe you should also state the individual components of the food you ate.(:

Your blog is good overall it has a very clear, nice layout!

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