Monday, September 5, 2011

PT outline

I shall post on the PT outline first.

Trace your 3 day diet

  • It should run 3 day consecutively
  • Include all meals consumed including snacks, tea, desserts, etc.
  • Take note of time, food quantity of food
  • These can be recorded in the form of a table
Analyse the diet
  • Using RDDA, Healthy Diet Pyramid, Food Intake Assessment, Recipe Analysis, Energy and Nutrient Compositions of Foods
  • Visit HPB to find out more about these tools
Suggest a one-day meal that is healthy
  • You may modify a dish that you have taken over the three days and make it healtheir eg. a bowl of laksa cooked using coconut milk is substituted with low fat milk; or adding more vegetables to increase the dietary fibre content of your meal;
  • You may choose a dish that is healthy because it uses healthy method/s of cooking, is balanced and uses healthy ingredients
  • Attach a photo of the dish in the blog
Reflect on the process of learning points from the PT
  • What have you learnt about your eating habits
  • Do you consider you diet a healthy one? Why?
  • Are the suggested nutrtional tools useful? How?
  • Why is your suggested one-dish meal healthy?
Access at least three blogs and provide reflection/feedback

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