Saturday, September 10, 2011

Modifying a dish!

I would like to modify the lunch i had on 19/8.

I had eaten rice with curry sauce topped up with a deep fried Malay chicken.

I think if the curry sauce is not added on the rice the meal would have been less fattening, since curry contains alot of coconut milk that contributes to the high fat content of this meal. If i really need some gravy on my rice, i could put some gravy maybe from some vegetable dish. The meal would also have been healtheir if some vegetable was added to the meal, like some fried long beans with carrot would be nice. The oil content of frying this vegetable is definitely much less than that found in curry gravy. tAnother type of vegetable, maybe brinjal would also be nice to add to the taste of the meal, yet adding to the nutritional value of the food. The vegetables should also not be cooked with too much oyster sauce or msg so that not too much salt will be added into the food, ruining the nutritional value. These vegetables will still taste as nice the way they are, and may even be tastier than adding curry gravy over the rice! This also increases the dietry fibre content of the meal yummmmm(:

Long beans                                                                                   Brinjal

Another alternative to deep fried Malaychicken will be grilled chicken. It is definitely much healthier than friend chicken because fried chicken uses a lot of oil to cook whereas grilled chicken is grilled in an oven and not fried or soaked in any oil at all, hence there is less trans fat and is definitely healthier. The taste of chicken will still be there, and whats more the chicken can be marinated with teriyaki sauce or plum sauce and the taste of grilled chicken may be even nicer and richer than that of a fried chicken! It is also definitely more juicy than the fried chicken because the juice of the chicken meat is retained when it is not fried.

For a desert, a fruit like apples will be nice to top the meal off and help in digestion of the heavy meal. After the rich tastes of the different types of food, something crunchy, juicy and sweet will be nice to finish up the meal. This also further adds to the nutritional value of the meal. The apples should be sliced and fresh.

I would really like to try this meal creating it makes my mouth water 8D

1 comment:

  1. Note that brinjal sold outside is usually fried in a lot of oil, especially for yong tau foo. Try cooking it and you'll know ;)
